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Playing .PSS Videos from PS2 .hack//G.U. in VLC Player


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Most of the videos in .hack//G.U. were actual videos and not rendered in-game like .hack//Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine did. All the videos you see in the video player from the ALTIMIT MINE OS that you unlock by doing achievements with the Ryu Books from the @HOME guild; these are saved as .PSS formatted videos that you can play directly in VLC Player. No additional codecs or file conversions needed, it just plays them.


First you'll need the actual PS2 games for .hack//G.U., you can either pop these in your DVD player on your PC and go into the drive in the /PSS/ folder from the root directory. Or if you saved it as an ISO file, just right click if you have 7Zip installed and choose Open Archive. When you navigate to the PSS folder you will see 3 subfolders; EV, NEWS, and ONLINE.


Choose whatever .PSS file you wish and select open with VLC Player and the video will automatically start.

That's it!

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