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Unlike .hack//G.U. where most of their videos are in a video format stored on the game disc, .hack//Infection Mutation Outbreak and Quarantine has no videos on disc whatsoever (excluding the logos after the PS2 bootup). Even the intro video that plays before the title screen is not a video. So every video including the Epitaph of Twilight being spoken is not a video, the characters talking to Kite are not videos, the Phase introduction videos are not videos. The .hack//IMOQ games simply don't have no videos because everything is being rendered in-game through the .hack game engine. How the game files works is that there are file formats called .CCS which are assets for models and textures combined. The main game play uses less detailed assets while the videos use higher quality assets. You can view these .CCS files through StudioCCS, but you can't play videos from this program. The way the game stores it's data is that it puts all the .CCS files for both game play and videos in a file called /DATA/DATA.BIN, you can extract contents of this file and it will have a folder called /STR/ which is where the better detail quality "video" .CCS model/textures are stored. All the voice lines spoken and music are stored in another folder outside of the DATA.BIN, from the root directory these are stored in /VOICE/ for Japanese and /VOICE_E/ for English. Only /VOICE/ has the BGM.BIN, or background music files for both languages. But let's say we use an emulator to emulate the game from the disc, such as PCSX2. Version 1.7+ has a feature built-in called Texture Replacer, and we can replace ANY texture from the game, including the ones used in videos. You simply enable Dump Textures to dump the textures into the PCSX2 emulator directory textures\SLUS-20267\dumps for .hack//Infection, you take the PNG files from this folder that you want to modify in an image editor like Adobe Photoshop, and save the PNG to a separate folder textures\SLUS-20267\replacements for the changes to be ready to be used. Then enable Load Textures to see the changes in your videos from the video player in game from the ALTIMIT desktop. In this example I am using the US release of .hack//Infection, game ID is SLUS-20267 hence the folder name, and edit Kite's texture from orange to blue very quickly (I could have touched it up better if I gave myself more time). Then loaded the textures and now in-game in the video player we can see Kite with a blue outfit instead. But this works on anything and everything. Players, NPC's, monsters, weapons, fields, dungeons, chests, statues, monsieur, grunties, water, skybox, etc.. anything and everything can have it's texture replaced whether it's just normal gameplay or videos, you can change it. You can also replace the character portraits too for every character. So you streamers, can replace Kite's portrait for whatever your pfp is, or change Kite's clothes to match more your personal style for your livestream. Just remember the textures are more of a wrapper, you can replace what you have, you can't add anything new like wings onto Kite. But you can remove things from the game by replacing textures with a transparent texture. For example if you wanted to remove the hud, just replace the blue windows with an empty transparent texture. Or if you wanted to upscale your game beyond the emulators upscaler, you could also use the texture replace to use upscaled textures from AI assisted upscalers like Vance, icons8, Deep Image, Let's Enhance, Waifu2x, Crea8tiveAI, etc.... or just download an existing texture upscaled pack from Google.3 points
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When I tell you think about the box art of the original four PS2 .hack video games, you'd probably think about the famous Yoshiyuki Sadamoto art work. Infection having the main cast lined up before Aura, Mutation having Black Rose and Helba standing behind Kite at Netslums, Outbreak with Elk up front with Mia and Balmung behind him and Balmung's feathers falling, and Outbreak with Kite raising his hand up with data drain activated with a call back to the other characters from the other box art below and above him. What if I told you, that wasn't originally what was going to be used, or rather some preproduction placeholders more aligned with Infection's box art may have been used. Or at the very least were seen in store displays before .hack//Infection's release. Behold, what could have been! Much like the first of the quadrilogy the games Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine all feature simple colors with the characters being the focus and nothing else. Mutation still has Black Rose and Helba standing behind Kite. Outbreak still kept Balmung but got rid of Orca for Mia and Elk just like how the planned Quarantine was going to feature just Mia and Elk. Another feature change comes with the game's logo having a glow in the final but the preproductions having no glow. Matching the glowless logo of .hack//Infection. I don't know when these changes were made, whether they hadn't decided for the 2-4th games box art design or the feedback from fans seeing this store display caused marketing to go back and redesign the box designs. This art was featured on this .hack//Infection in-store POP display, POP standing for point-of-purchase. If you look under the Kite floor display on the bottom left, you'll see the 4 game box art. Here's a closer look at just the floor Kite display. What do you think? Which version do you prefer? The Yoshiyuki Sadamoto design Or the preproduction design2 points
As talked about in a recent post about Knucklemaster and Werewolf being the 7th and 8th character classes mentioned in the .hack//Archives_03 book. What if I told you right now, if you popped in your .hack//IMOQ game disc and look up the texture asset xicon00 and look closely, you will see 8 character class icons. From left to right we see Twinblade Wavemaster Knucklemaster Blademaster Samurai Heavyblade Heavyaxe Longarm These icons confirm a spiked knuckle as the icon for Knucklemaster with the 3rd icon from the left, and a curved katana for Samurai with the 5th icon from the left. Now we can go further back this with several usable weapons in-game with the Twinblade weapons and the Heavyblade weapons. As you may or may not know, the Twinblade and Heavyblade have the most weapons by any of the 6 character classes in-game. But something strange happens when you equip these items, most notably Kite's twinblade weapons. The twinblade weapons can be split in two categories that Kite uses, first is the bladed weapons or two dagger type of weapons. And the second is the dual gloves, dual spikes, or dual claws type of weapons. The first type the dagger type is strictly the twinblade class whereas the glove/spike/claw type weapons are in fact remnants from the Knucklemaster class. (image above shows Kite with a dual dagger type weapon and a dual glove type weapon) Heavyblade are no different, where one style of weapons they use is a oversized bladed weapon usually as large as Black Rose, and the other style is a slender curved light sword. It is implied the slender lighter blades are the remnant for the Samurai class. It's pretty easy to see that Sanjuro was meant to be part of the Samurai class. But unlike Knucklemaster, there was no mention of the Samurai class in the book .hack//Archives_03. Also has been noted that Natsumi may have been planned as a Knucklemaster class based on her weapon on page 193 of .hack//Archives_03. ( D / Natsume: The weapon is depicted as a tonfa instead of a twin sword. ) Below are my interpretations of which weapon would have belong to which class.2 points
While browsing the texture files from .hack//Infection Mutation Outbreak Quarantine, in the file xicon00 there are character class icons and right below them is the icons for the equipment slots. From left to right we have Head Armor Shield Armor Hand Armor Body Armor Leg Armor Except one thing... there is no Shield Armor in-game. Obviously there's no shield class in the franchise, everyone has a weapon of some kind but nothing shield related. Not the say we don't see any shields in the franchise, especially in .hack//Quantum we see a ton of players using shields at the start of episode 3. But if we look back in time, when dothack was during it's third prototype phase called Treasure Hacker, we definitely see Rachel (blademaster) and Marlo (blademaster) brandishing a sword and a shield. (Rachel on left, Marlo on right) But obviously in game, we never see these characters brandishing a shield. Nor the option to equip one on the character equipment screen.2 points
Obtained over a pretty decent amount of time. tried having everything as complete as possible. (G.U. Vol 2 and Infection have no booklet sadly...) Had to buy G.U. vol. 1 during a japan trip for that elusive bonus terminal disk. ...And the crown jewel of them all, SIGN on DVD. glorious standard definition, how all 00's anime should be viewed. (with CRT) Trying to get Quarantine and the MC Plushes eventually when they don't cost a limb. (forgive the image quality, I am not a photographer sadly...)2 points
Dothack Dothackimoq GIFfrom Dothack GIFs CC Corporation Administrator Lios, the green NPC that encounters Kite on numerous occasions was confirmed having an alt account as Apeiron. The very same character seen trying to scam Mistral in purchasing a rare item for an absurd amount. This was confirmed in the .hack//Archives_03 art info book by CyberConnect2.2 points
Often people think of the ALTIMIT desktop from the first generation they think The World, Mailer, News, Accessory, Audio, and Data. But in the anime's they do show additional apps, programs, icons or whatever on the left. In the OVA .hack//LIMINALITY we get to see an icon for a chat program called Chat Client Ver. 5.0 This icon with the rings spinning is also seen in the anime .hack//Legend of the Twilight between Audio and Data icons. Dothack Dot Hack GIFfrom Dothack GIFs2 points
On the title screen for .hack//fragment, if you press and hold the trigger buttons L2 and R2 at the same time and while holding those two triggers, tap and hold R1 on the controller; you will see a random series of 4 digits down by the copyright dates on the bottom left. These numbers don't seem to be progressive or sequential. Unsure what they mean, this was brought to our attention by u/Zodiark_Amano on Reddit.2 points
For those unaware or are new to .hack, the whole franchise revolves around VR headsets as a major (but not required) part of the game that everyone plays with in the .hack series. You see headsets of all kinds throughout the series from 2002's .hack//SIGN and .hack//Infection's "Neuro Goggles". Being described either as a "HMD" or head mount display, and as the term "FMD" or face mount display. The franchise was pitched by CyberConnect as a PS2 videogame where the players wear these VR devices, and their consciousness gets trapped in the game all the way back in 1999, as a game pitch to Bandai Inc. And in later installments would evolve into 2006's .hack//Roots and .hack//GU with M2D or Micro Monocle Display, which is a visor type. And in 2010's .hack//LINK changed the formula with the M3D which did away with the visor part and was purely headphones only. Then got back on VR with 2012's .hack//Beyond the World's ALGOS FMD, which looked more like a pair of sunglasses or prescription glasses. Kinda a less bulky version of the Google Glasses or Snapchat Spectacles. But what if I told you VR for the Sony Playstation 2 existed as a product as early back as 2002, and those familiar with 2016's PlayStation VR, there was another Sony branded product between the 2002 PUD-J5A and the 2016 PlayStation VR; and that was the 2012's Prototype-SR, aka the HMZ-T2. First, starting with the Sony PUD-J5A for the PlayStation 2. It was only specifically made for 6 PlayStation 2 games, none of which was the .hack// PS2 games; which is a shame. Sadly I have no sources or citation of CyberConnect2 or it's staff using/testing this device. Second was the Sony PROTOTYPE-SR (HMZ-T2). It was shown off at Tokyo Game Show in September 2012. President of CC2 Hiroshi Matsuyama attended and was able to test out the device being tested with Resident Evil V Tribulation demo. There was another predecessor to this device, the Sony HMZ-T1 "3d viewer" in the prior year. And even further back from 1996-1998, which these devices were based on was the Sony Glasstron and it's 5 different models, most notably the PLM-S700E. Then there was Sony's big breakout, all chips in finally, the Sony PlayStation VR. Which was meant to be a strong contender to it's competitors like the Occulus Rift and HTC Vive. Being a companion for PS4 and PS5 consoles for PSVR compatible games. But even Hiroshi Matsuyama has been seen playing with the competitor devices.2 points
From my use of this addon, I found that this addon is not optimized for older CC2 game .ccs files like 2002's .hack//Infection Mutation Outbreak Quarantine. This addon definitely is better optimized for later games like 2006's .hack//G.U. and more recent. The bone structures are twisted when it comes to the characters hips with the .hack//Infection .ccs files a lot, toes are curled up and raised soles, and the textures (might be what you are referring to) are a bit messed up in the faces that they do look opaque & transparent at the same time. The creator of this addon is not a user on this site, I strongly suggest you press the "new issue" button on Github on the issues page for this repository. https://github.com/Al-Hydra/blender_ccs_importer/issues1 point
untilFree digital only books to add to your Book☆Walker account from December 29th 2024 till January 13th 2025. Including Game Art Works Vol 1, .hack//Archives 2 -Black-, Guilty Dragon Visual Works Vol 1., and .hack//Summer 2013. #dothack #ドットハック https://bookwalker.jp/author/157163/?order=rank&qpri=1&np=11 point
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From the original .hack//Infection video games, you would randomly see something flying in the sky. Whether it's a bloodied mummy spinning, a giant slug, a castle flipped upside down, or four floating eyeballs. These are known as "Legendary Lands" in the original games, you'd see them flying, and later in the post game you be given access to a special dungeon related to 3 them. But in .hack//fragment we also have a 5th one, Santa Grunty. Each of these phenomena can be seen randomly per server as listed below. The Aerial Fleet - Delta server The Inverted Castle - Theta server The Giant Creature - Lambda server The Ending World - Sigma server Santa Grunty - Omega server1 point
Preorders for .hack//G.U. Birthday Set 2 Now Available!1 point
until.hack//G.U. Last Recode for Nintendo Switch is currently on sale for $9.99 which is 80% off till October 31st. https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/hack-g-u-last-recode-switch/ #dothack #ドットハック1 point
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.hack//G.U. Last Recode for Nintendo Switch is currently on sale for $9.99 which is 80% off till September 9th. https://nintendo.com/us/store/products/hack-g-u-last-recode-switch/ #dothack #ドットハック1 point
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untilFree digital only books to add to your BookWalker account from now Aug 8th up till Aug 23rd 2024. Including Game Art Works Vol 1, .hack//Summer 2013, Guilty Dragon Visual Works Vol 1., .hack//Archives 2 Black #dothack #ドットハック https://bookwalker.jp/author/157163/?order=rank&qpri=1&np=11 point
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How to schedule a post on your Facebook Page and Instagram through Meta Business Suite. Step 1: From the main hub click on Create Post. Step 2: Enter your own message, remember to tag BandaiNamco and use the hashtags. Click on Set date and time button at the bottom to open the schedule options. Enter the date of August 9th, set the time whatever you like that you feel will have the most impact exposure on the day of for your time zone. Step 3: Press the schedule button on the bottom right to complete.1 point
.hack//G.U. Last Recode Steam Sale 90% off for $4.99 USD from now till June 27th 2024. #dothack #ドットハック https://store.steampowered.com/app/525480/hackGU_Last_Recode/1 point
Introduction In .hack//infection, debug symbols are present thankfully. This allows insight into the development process and debug features that may be present. "Debug symbols" are names and information of pieces of code, which can be methods, classes, members, delegates, enumerators, you name it! It allows understanding the file structures in the other files present in the game as well. CodeWarrior CyberConnect2 used Metrowerks CodeWarrior with PS2 Support, which includes C/C++ and R5900 compilation support. It is difficult to purchase, but with some understanding of the file format it creates and the sections of the ELF file, it is not required. The ELF files compiled for the PlayStation 2 use Little Endian byte ordering, which is different from standard applications built on Windows. Metrowerks CodeWarrior can compile to not just a single ELF file, but also to PRG files. ELF files will link to and read the PRG files. They can be identified by the magic header MWo3, followed by a single byte number which represents the order for the files to be loaded. CodeWarrior CATS Info (.mwcats) .mwcats is an ELF section which contains information on function calls and their exits. Currently not much information exists on what can be used with this, however a successful extraction of this section using CATS will yield the following example: *** CATS INFO (.mwcats) *** 00000000 Section type 2 00000001 nstd-exit 0 00000002 size 60 00000004 address 001000d0 Section Structure: - byte - SectionType - byte - NSTDExits - int - Size - int - Address - List<short> - Offsets For every nstd-exit, there is a (short) offset that needs to be read. If the number of nstd-exits is uneven, an additional short must be skipped to align with the rest of the data. ELF Files ELF files typically use DWARF, a debugging format originally designed for ELF files. .hack//infection contains a DWARF entry in it's .debug ELF section. This provides information of most of the core functions of the game, and data structures, but is missing some information due to programming being split between multiple files. For more information on how to read an ELF file, reference the following: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/elf.5.html https://github.com/DigitalMars/dmc/blob/9478d25a677f70dbe4fc0ed317cc5a5e5050ef8b/include/DWARF.H For the main programming section of .hack//infection (.main), Address refers to the location in memory it can be found. Address + Size will refer the end of the section. Offset refers to the .main section's location in the ELF file. Offset + Size refers to the end of the section. ELF .line section In the .line section, there are multiple entries. Each entry contains a length (int) and an address (int). The address refers to the location in memory which the code should appear. This is similar to the ELF section header's Address value, and similar to the DWARF tag's AT_low_pc attribute value. For every 10 bytes, there is a line number (int), a character offset (short), and a code offset (int). Line Section Entry: - Length - int - Address - int Line Section Entry Line: - Line Number - int - Character Offset- short - Position left-to-right on the line of code - Code Offset - int - Address in memory which refers to the line of code compiled into MIPS. If CodeWarrior successfully extracts this information, it should appear similar to the following example: *** DWARF Line Table (.line) *** length address 0x00000000 0x000001fc 0x00100000 line number, char offset, code offset 0x00000008 34, -1, 0x00000000 0x00000012 35, -1, 0x00000004 0x0000001c 42, -1, 0x00000008 When char offset is always -1, it means the compilation settings for Metrowerks CodeWarrior were incorrectly configured. There is no way to work around it to retrieve the char offset other than guesswork. If guesswork is desired, refer to the following code example from .hack//liminality to see the code style used, on volume 1 the case of Mai Minase at 37:00. #include "sdvd.h" #include "stream.h" #include "data.h" #define FUKU_DEBUG_OUT //static ccFileList2 *f1; //static int fileNum; void ccInitFileList(void); void ccAddFileList(ccFileList *); void ccAddFileListOne(ccFileList *); void ccAddFileListName(int, char *); void ccsAllDeleteExceptCMN(void); void ccsAllDeleteExceptGCMN(void); void ccFileListDelete(ccFileList *); int ccFileListDeleteOne(ccFileList *); void ccsAllDelete(void); void ccLoadResourceFL(void); void ccLoadFLAdd(ccFileList *); void ccLoadFLAddOne(ccFileList *); static void ccLoadFLStart(void); void ccAddRequestFileListTEST(void); static void ccAddFileListName2(int,char*); FILEDATA* searchFname(FILELIST*); static int fileConflictCheck(ccFileList* ); //static void fileEsistCheck(int); void ccFileEsistCheck(int); static void ccFileListLoad(void*); /*--- debug & test ---*/ static int addFileCheck; /*--- FILEDATA TABLE ---*/ extern FILEDATA pcCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA spcCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA npcCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA townCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA gimmickCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA enemyCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA desktopCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA toppageCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA fieldCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA menuCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA cmnCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA gcmnCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA equipCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA effectCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA dungeonCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA eventCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA bossCCSTbl[]; extern FILEDATA skillCCSTbl[]; /*-----------------------*/ static const int FILELIST_DIRECT_MAX = 16; static FILEDATA directCCSTbl[FILELIST_DIRECT_MAX]; static int directNum; /*---------------------------------------*/ static char *categoryPathTbl[]=[ [DATA_FILE_DIR"cmn.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"gcmn.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"demo.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"desktop.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"toppage.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"menu.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"effect.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"equip.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"skill.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"spc.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"pc.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"npc.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"gimmic.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"enemy.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"boss.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"town.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"field.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"dungeon.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR"event.bin"], [DATA_FILE_DIR], ]; static FILEDATA *categoryFDTbl[]=[ &cmnCCSTbl[0], &gcmnCCSTbl[0], NULL, &desktopCCSTbl[0], &toppageCCSTbl[0], &menuCCSTbl[0], &effectCCSTbl[0], &equipCCSTbl[0], &skillCCSTbl[0], &spcCCSTbl[0], &pcCCSTbl[0], &npcCCSTbl[0], &gimmickCCSTbl[0], &enemyCCSTbl[0], &bossCCSTbl[0], &townCCSTbl[0], &fieldCCSTbl[0], &dungeonCCSTbl[0], &eventCCSTbl[0], &directCCSTbl[0], ]; static u_long cateCDOfsTbl[]=[ _CMN_OFS, _GCMN_OFS, NULL, _DESKTOP_OFS, _TOPPAGE_OFS, _MENU_OFS, _EFFECT_OFS, _EQUIP_OFS, _SKILL_OFS, _SPC_OFS, _PC_OFS, _NPC_OFS, _GIMMICK_OFS, _ENEMY_OFS, _BOSS_OFS, _TOWN_OFS, _FIELD_OFS, _DUNGEON_OFS, _EVENT_OFS, NULL ]; //------------------------------------------------// // // //------------------------------------------------// static const int SCENE_FILELIST_MAX = 64 + 32; ELF .reginfo section .reginfo details information about the processor and coprocessors registers, along with the global pointer's value. To-do: structure information and how to retrieve it If Metrowerks is used to successfully extract this section, it should appear similar to the following example: *** REGISTER INFO (.reginfo) *** 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 General purpose register mask: 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 Coprocessor 0 register mask: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Coprocessor 1 register mask: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Coprocessor 2 register mask: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Coprocessor 3 register mask: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 GP value: 00360c70 MIPS Instruction Set The PlayStation 2 uses its own subset of MIPS for its Emotion Engine. You can find additional information on this subset of MIPS at: https://psi-rockin.github.io/ps2tek/#ee - Helpful in understanding which bits represent which opcode and each opcode's subclass. https://web.archive.org/web/20230111053431/https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61c/resources/MIPS_help.html - Helpful in understanding the sections of each instruction, and the functionality of each function. The PCSX2 debugger and PS2DIS can be incredibly helpful in understanding code as it is ran, as they load symbols directly from the ELF and display them when available. Although due to the splitting of MIPS between the ELF and PRG files, they can become lost in certain sections of code. Additional Tools - Metrowerks CodeWarrior 2.7 with PS2 Support - HxD - A free-to-use hex editor - PCSX2 - A free-to-use PlayStation 2 emulator and debugger (recommended to use version 1.6 if Cheat Engine is desired) - PS2DIS - A free-to-use PlayStation 2 MIPS instruction set disassembler, which can also load in symbols - Cheat Engine - A free-to-use memory viewer and editor - WinRAR - A free trial product for extracting archives (the .ISO format is an archive file) - Visual Studio Community - A free-to-use code editor and compiler for C# / C / C++ / etc. - Notepad++ - A light-weight code editor and text editor to look at standalone files - An understanding of C/C++ - Since the code is written primarily in C++, understanding it is crucial to understanding the debug information and symbols. Misc Information In a debug symbols name, __ct means constructor. A constructor is the first piece of code ran when creating data for an object. An object holds data detailed by a class. __dt means destructor. A destructor is the last piece of code ran for an object before it is deleted from memory. Reference https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/cpp_classes.asp for more information on Object Oriented Programming with C++.1 point
GFF2003, far as I know stands for Game Factory Friendship, a game developer alliance of about 12 game companies in Fukuoka Japan. First started in 2003, with CyberConnect2 in attendance, they brought along Yoshiyuki Sadamoto the lead character designer for .hack to this event. There they hosted a Q&A which can be read in full here from Saturday, August 30th, 2003. During this Q&A the subject of "Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's Thoughts on Design" we learned about the inspirations behind Kite, Blackrose, Piros, Elk, and Balmung. Things from Kite's proportions, Blackrose's thighs, Elk's clothes, Piro's haircut, and Balmung's wings. Back to Kite's design, it's no secret to anyone that orange Kite is designed after the original manga run of Naruto. As quoted, Yoshiyuki had to say: Which quotes to him saying they built the proportions of Kite based on Naruto's child appearance as a guide. Back in the day I heard CyberConnect2 make a similar comment about Kite's appearance based on the Naruto manga because of it's growing popularity. But I can't relocate the source of them saying this. The report goes on about Elk's design about comparison to his Rei Ayanami design from Evangelion, he jokingly comments that the only similarity is the eye color. But states the robes based on Christian Sleder's robes in the movie, The Name of the Rose. And Elk/Tsukasa's hat is based on Alex from Game Arts' the Lunar Silver Star on the SegaCD. And goes on to saying about Piros's bowl hair cut on a zombie body. Originally he had wanted to make BlackRose's color scheme red and black as the name implies, but didn't want to have the same colors as the main protagonist. It seemed he didn't know where to put Balmung's wings.1 point
I wish, but this was 2003 and CC2's live event photos were always low resolution, before the age social media.1 point
In the light novel .hack//Another Birth volume 4, Mistral talks about her husband Page 145 Page 199 We definitely are familiar with a man in a Hawaiian shirt (Junichiro Tokuoka) and two young girls (Mai and Yuki) but she doesn't make any mention of an older woman (Kyoko), and some security guards getting butts kicked. Dothack Dot Hack GIFfrom Dothack GIFs1 point
Some of you might have seen the character Sanjuro from .hack//Infection games or even the .hack//Legend of the Twilight anime. Mature, cool headed, serious face, rugged facial hair, samurai loving, and grizzly voice. But what if I told you, it's been suggested that his design is a direct lift from Snake Plissken from the 1981 American movie Escape From New York. See the similarities? Not only that, the player behind the character Sanjuro is also meant to be American, from South Dakota. Dothack Dot Hack GIFfrom Dothack GIFs1 point
So back in March 2003, there was an issue of Comptiq magazine (issue 255) that had a two page spread of official licensed merch they were selling from their K-Order website, the official Kadokawa online store. One thing of note on the two page spread was a Rena body pillow, often times called a dakimakura. So what we know translated this says it is 130cm tall by 50cm wide (or 51 inches by 20 inches) and made of cotton, it comes with both the pillow case and the pillow, you can not just buy the case. The price for one set is ¥16,000 JPY in 2003 money, which would have been around $130 USD in 2003 money. That's all we gather from the article listing in the magazine. The magazine does have a link to their website at iorder.jp for making a purchase. These are links using archive.org so that you may view for yourself. http://web.archive.org/web/20030220003347/http://www.iorder.jp/v2/script/kgoodsorder_hack.cgi?action=DisplayTop http://web.archive.org/web/20030227191008/http://www.iorder.jp/v2/script/kgoodsorder_hack.cgi?action=DisplayItems&chara=hack001 So once again we are treated to the image, do note that this image they use is from the first volume of the manga .hack//Legend of the Twilight in the first few pages before the first chapter. They list the item's illustration as number kh001, don't think that's a product code though. What is interesting is that they changed the materials used from the listing in the magazine as cotton, to now being made of polyester. Uncertain if this may mean the pillow is made of polyester and the case is cotton, or if the case is polyester. And it is possible the ad got ahead of the product page when it comes to the materials decided. From this page they list the item as product code korder191, the price has the tax included, but there is a domestic shipping fee of 500 JPY. But it does say the product design may differ. I've yet to see anyone since 2003 show a picture of this body pillow in their collection. Another interesting tidbit was that you could order up to 10 body pillows at a time. Other than that, this is all we know. The first and last .hack dakimakura (anime body pillow).1 point
Thank you for all the work you are doing on this forum. I'd love to play IMOQ with these textures. The video you attached already looks so cool. I'll give it a try!1 point
Blackrose (ブラックローズ) was born on April 21st 1994 real name Akira Hayami (速水晶良). Source from .hack//Archives_03 page 266.1 point
Kite was born on June 1996 either on the 6th, 13th, 20th, or the 27th. Whose real name potentially could be Kaito Kuramochi, Daichi Kuramochi, Yutaka Kuramochi, Riku Kuramochi, or Asahi Kuramochi. Source: .hack//Archives_03, page 2651 point
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There is only 1 central lobby server, and only 1 is necessary. This is the main hub for fragment, however people don't play on the lobby server, they play on player hosted area servers. These are where players actually meet up and play together on in groups of up to 3 per area server. Which makes hosting an abundant of area servers necessary for people; because is there's high demand of players online at a given time wanting to play but no supply of area servers to play on, then playing would be impossible. So how do you host an area server? First you will need the Area Server program itself, and a Windows PC or Windows emulated computer There is many iterations both official and unofficial for the area server program, i.e. the original 5 Japanese ones which point to the old server, the translated one, the multi-server one, etc... I recommend this one Download the zip, extract the file/folders somewhere on your computer, run the AREA_SERVER.exe file Start with map editor go to File choose New Area give it a name and a "symbol" can be whatever you want, I just abbreviate but whatever the root town will be the root town all players will see when they enter your Area Server, they can not change, only you can from this program hit OK, and you can start making new keywords and custom maps if you want, but entirely up to you the root town shops are static to whatever root town you pick the keywords dictate monsters and whatnot, click on Word Editor and you'll get tabs like this use existing keywords or click on "Add" to create new words, whenever your pick A B C here, Result will unlock whatever you do, be sure to Save pick a slot from 0 to 100; you can create more than 1 area server, but you can only run 1 area server per .exe; you can make more copies from the ZIP file link above and host as many area servers you want you can pick a random number and press save after you make an "area server" in the Area Server program and saved, go to the Area Server icon click on Area, then click on Publish Area Server select from the list of saved area servers and click publish you'll see a bunch of messages on screen, and in the message window box; if all goes well you should see "area server is now open" this is 50% of the work the other 50% is port-forwarding your computer/router without doing that, no one can join your area server it'll just be listed but inaccessible without port-forwarding it depends on what is in profile.ini; and if you host more than one area server, you'll want to change the port in each file to be different; between 20000 to 20100 if all goes well your area server will be listed then the area server program will say "a player is joining" you can see their HP/SP live, but you can not edit the values you can even see all players on the current map; people can't wander off to different maps, everyone is limited to 1 even on the field map and if they die, they will be booted back to the root town1 point
For those who haven't played .hack//fragment since 2005, I'm here to inform you that the game has two modes to choose at the start of the game, Off-line and On-line. In Online mode you connect to the internet and play with friends with one of 3 characters you made during character creation. You can log out and switch characters as you like. And then you use that character to join up to 2 other online players and grind fields/dungeons for epic sweet loot. In Offline mode however, you play the game single player obviously, but you do get 2 NPC's you can add to your party. The "story mode" of the Offline game portion of Fragment is basically collecting the Member Address of NPC characters to join your party. These characters much like from .hack//Infection Mutation Outbreak and Quarantine are the same ones, plus the ones you got at the end that were from the anime .hack//SIGN. This offline story mode is just logging in and getting Bear and BT's member address immediately as they explain to you how to play The World. And immediately goes right into the next character unlocks. The first few NPC's basically explain different portions of how to play the game and after awhile it becomes more of running gags and people testing your might at completing dungeons. As you move along you will acquire Data Drain, foods for Grunty's, different root towns, Grunty's, and more member addresses to use for your party. Each party member you get will have their own level's and experience points. The ones you acquire at the start will be around level 15 whereas the ones later will be around level 75, and the very last one will have level 99. The characters you unlock are in this order, some you get together as a couple, much like Bear and BT at the start. Bear BT Mia Subaru Elk Mimiru Tsukasa Marlo Moonstone Nuke Rachel Shugo Rena Gardenia Natsume Terajima Mistral Piros Ginkan Sanjuro Crim Blackrose Wiseman Sora Orca Balmung Kite Helba Once you get the last character, that's it. The offline story mode is done and all that's left is leveling up and filling up that Book of 1000 in your inventory, which can be a long completionist task. Especially the NPC trades. Then there's the final boss, the big bad...1 point
For the latest, go to our Fragment page on the Steam Deck For you Steam Deck users, you can play PlayStation 2 games on your portable device AND go online too. Basically you will be installing PCSX2 on your device, this guide on Github was intended for SOCOM, but you can read this guide with the intent of playing .hack//fragment (or any other PS2 game for that matter) in mind. https://github.com/GO0dspeed/Socom2-SteamDeck So the break down is as follows Switch to Desktop mode, press Steam button and go to power option Click Discover store button on bottom of screen Type PCSX2 in search bar then install Install Flatseal from Discover store Go to Utilities from Start menu, load Flatseal Toggle on for PCSX2 for the following Network Inter-prcoess communications All system files Go to Games from Start menu, load PCSX2 Select your BIOS files from the BIOS menu Select Vulkan for Renderer and AMD RADV VANGOUGH for Adapter in Graphics menu Optional select Fit to Window/Screen for Aspect Ratio On the Texture Replacer tab within the Graphics menu, enable Precache Textures On the Network menu, check the enabled box, choose Sockets for type, choose Auto or Wlan0 for device There area few more steps you can do in the Github, like making a game specific icon for .hack//fragment on your library list. Make sure that the game you play is patched from the Tellipatcher.1 point
The Pluto's Kiss event took place on December 24th 2005,shutting down all networks world wide.1 point
Here's a link to 65 sheets of the model sheets from .hack//Legend of the Twilight anime. https://setteidreams.net/settei/hack-tasogare-no-udewa-densetsu/1 point
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In the past we saw many attempts of a fan .hack game with 2D and 3D games, most were online, but more importantly trying to capture that feeling of The World en masse. Unfortunately time, upkeep, and drama dwindled down those projects and games and all we have are memories. But anyone with motivation, time, and a goal can make their own .hack game in many formats from: text adventure, visual novels, 2D game, 2D online game, 3D game, and 3D online game. I'm leaving this topic open for the discussion for people interested in attempting at a .hack game, to show off their progress on either a standalone or game/server client based on The World. If you have a game in the works, let us know your progress. If you need help, seek peer-to-peer support here, or if you need a team, pitch your idea on our discord server to find your team. Useful links to programs Text Adventure: ADRIFT http://www.adrift.co/ Inform7 http://inform7.com/ Quest http://textadventures.co.uk/quest Twine https://twinery.org/ Visual Novels: Visual Novel Maker https://store.steampowered.com/app/495480 Ren'py https://www.renpy.org/ 2D Game: RPG Maker 2000 https://store.steampowered.com/app/383730 RPG Maker 2003 https://store.steampowered.com/app/362870 RPG Maker XP https://store.steampowered.com/app/235900 RPG Maker VX Ace https://store.steampowered.com/app/220700 RPG Maker MV https://store.steampowered.com/app/363890 Game Maker Studio https://www.yoyogames.com/get LÖVE https://love2d.org/ 2D Game & Server: BYOND http://www.byond.com/download/ Eclipse Origins https://www.indiedb.com/engines/eclipse-origins/downloads Elysium Diamond https://github.com/legacygamedev/elysiumdiamond32 Genus https://github.com/jikoriko/Genus Intersect Engine https://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/downloads/ Konfuze http://konfuze.atspace.com/HOME.htm Mirage https://github.com/link2x/gMirage PyORPG https://github.com/marcusmoller/pyorpg-client 3D Game: Blender http://www.blender.org/ Godot https://godotengine.org/ Unreal Engine https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/download Unity https://store.unity.com/download 3D Game & Server: n/a And should you have concerns about CyberConnect2 coming after your project, hear this statement from the CEO himself regarding fan projects. Basically, go for it!, but don't tell us. 😉 And BandaiNamco's statement. https://www.bandainamcoent.com/legal/community-events/content-creator-guidelines Basically non-profits are good, better if you don't copy/paste textures, models, or art directly from them. Go forth and good luck!1 point
Hiroshi Matsuyama answers Q&A on .hack//IMOQ remake. To simply put #1 Show the support with numbers, buy digitally for yourself or a friend .hack//G.U. Last Recode on Steam or Playstation Store #2 Post on BandaiNamco's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube page's stating you want .hack//IMOQ remake/remaster and more .hack games! Get involved and have your friends join in!1 point
Kite and his .hackers party finally defeat Corbenik by Aura sacrificing herself in death and rebirth, the network returns to stability and the coma victims saved.1 point
All network restrictions are revoked during the international holiday Virgin's Kiss. The internet is now opened to all public.1 point
The English, French, German, Italian, Spanish version of .hack//Infection was released in Europe on March 26th 2004 for the Playstation 2.1 point