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Dothack Network

Dothack Network

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  • Erroneous 903

Building the Largest Dothack Site Hub



Hello Dothack Network! We are currently underway building the largest network of dothack fan sites, and we need your assistance! Help us piece together a list of fan made sites, forums, and social network by posting your findings in the comments below. There are some rules/qualifications however:

#1. Site must be online, no links to old sites that are no longer available please.

#2. Must be fan made, so no official sites from the publishers or developers of the series i.e. BandaiNamco, CyberConnect2, etc..

#3. No lists, hastags, tags, or search results; it must be a content provider so a personal website, message board, facebook page, facebook group, twitter page, tumblr page, youtube channel, deviant art group, deviant art page are all acceptable.

#4. And finally, the site/page/group must be Dothack inspired or related.

So the fan group Guilty Dragon which heavily discusses Guilty Dragon for the Android/iOS game which is a .hack related game, does count. Same goes with Iridium Based which is a heavily .hack inspired MMO.

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