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Dothack Network

Dothack Network

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  • Erroneous 903

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Steam Gunner Weapon Maxwell

Taihaku's steam gunner class sword he received during the Forest of Pain event during .hack//Roots anime, and later uses during the Sage Palace arena fights in .hack//G.U. video games. #ドットハック #dothack  


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Steam Group Officer Wanted

With the upcoming .hack//G.U. title being added to Steam's library. We are in search of officer's for our Steam group to help moderate content and to help promote the group, create discussion, create events, and assist all visitors. Must be family-friendly, supportive, patient, self-motivated, familiar with Steam, and non-discriminatory. Be sure to check out the Steam group here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dothacknetwork


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Steam Bike

The steam bike is your transportation method in The World R2 fields, previously replacing riding Grunties from The World. Powered by steam technology obtained from ChimChim spheres from .hack//G.U. with each piece interchangeable. #ドットハック #dothack  


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Start of The Network

On this community anyone and everyone is free to share and exchange their own or their favorite dothack fan made specialty from the internet. Get it known out there no matter what it is. Websites, message boards, web blogs, video blogs, deviant art pages or groups, facebook fan pages or groups, twitter communities, youtube channels, irc chatrooms, oekaki boards, official developer and publisher websites, fan made MMO's and single-player games, etc..


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SSL Certificate and HTTPS Enabled

Our website recently received a free SSL certificate thanks to 1UP's recommendation, thus enabling our site to be accessed on HTTPS and thus eliminating the Chrome/Firefox warning about unsecured logins. As a reminder, our website does not require you to have an account to access any data, files, images, or information on our site, accounts only provide a means to interact and comment on our content posted to our site. In addition, we've also enabled Two-Factor Authentication to further protect


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Spoiler Future Thoughts

SPOILER ALERT!!!!! For those of you who are caught up in the entirety of .hack lore know the series thus far ends with Tanaka holding onto the thumb drive (bad pun) containing Aura after the eco-terrorist group MaMa revealed their entire plans to David. Where do you believe .hack will be heading to next story wise?


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Spanish and Multi-language Support

Upon closer inspection of the European trademark we can see that .hack//G.U. Last Recode is expected to apply for an English trademark, but below that line they have also applied for a Spanish trademark. Could this mean that the .hack//G.U. remaster could see various international releases in multi-languages aside it's homesake Japanese? #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothackgu #languages #games #trademark #English #Spanish #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2  


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Sony Playstation PSN Sale

PS4 .hack//G.U. Last Recode Sale, now $4.99 was $49.99 Save 90% off, offer ends 3/1/2023 11:59 PM PST https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0700-CUSA07559_00-HACKGURECODE0000


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SMZeldarules Prepares for Colassalcon

smzeldarules gets ready for #Colossalcon with her Blackrose in swimsuit attire! https://www.facebook.com/smzeldarules/photos/a.727551103954997/1368094669900634/ #dothack #dothackgames #dothackers #Blackrose #anime #games #videogame #CyberConnect2 #BandaiNamco


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SMZeldaRules Cosplay

smzeldarules shares off her Blackrose cosplay https://www.facebook.com/theartofcosplayofficial/photos/a.790558230961574/1433223033361754 #dothack #Blackrose #anime #cosplay #games #dothackcosplay


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SMZeldarules as Blackrose at RetroGameCon

Day 1: Our featured cosplayer smzeldarules announces she will be donning the mantle of Blackrose armor again as a guest at RetroGameCon. As always, smzeldarules makes it look way legit! #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #Blackrose #Infection #Mutation #Outbreak #Quarantine #AnotherBirth #gamer #cosplayer #cosplay #CyberConnect2 #BandaiNamco #BandaiNamcoGames https://www.facebook.com/smzeldarules/photos/a.2302053006504791/1198972783479491/


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SMZeldarules and Chessnut Cosplay at Colossalcon

smzeldarules at Colossalcon as Blackrose with Chessnut Cosplay as Kite. Even cosplaying they heard the big news of .hack//GU remake, keep doing what you guys do best! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=smzeldarules&set=a.1421924944517606 #dothack #dothackers #dothackcosplay #dothackgames #Blackrose #Kite #CyberConnect2 #BandaiNamco


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Skeith Model While On Tour

More .hack sketches but this time, a model of Skeith shown on Hiroshi Matsuyama's Twitter feed. #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothacklink #dothackgu #dothackinfection #HiroshiMatsuyama #CyberConnect2 #Skeith #sketch #art #drawing #fandom #fans #games #videogames


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Shugo Tokyopop Cardboard Cutout Standee

A fellow Dothacker recently shared with me pics of the Shugo store display cardboard cutout standee by Tokyopop from 2003/04. It’s looking incomplete to the left where the Tokyopop logo and books would be. We’d greatly appreciate if anyone has pics from 2004 of a complete one! More info from the pipeline, this portion of the display is 61 3/8 inches tall by 25-26 inches across depending on where and what you measure (in this case toe to toe).


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Shipping Out ENEMY Giveaway

Of the 12 winners from the Giveaway Event, only 5 winners have provided their mailing addresses. And as of today all 5 have been mailed out (had to price around for international shipping). Some have already received their package. If you haven't provided your address and wish to receive your prize, contact us soon. And to those that already received it; share that you received it in a post or share a photo! Maybe even an unboxing? #dothack #dothackenemy #dothackinfection #tcg #cards #event


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Shield Armor in .hack//Infection

Shield Armor were originally considered as an equipment slot in .hack//Infection tetralogy just like Head, Body, Hand, Leg Armor that made it to final. Read more about it here! https://www.dothack.org/topic/1570-shields-in-hackimoq #dothack #ドットハック  


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Share your PS2 Collection

Morning DN fans! Show of hands how many of you own either .hack or the .hack//GU series for the PS2! Bonus points if you own both series. Easter egg points if you also own .hack//fragment. Extra super awesome cookie special bonus points if you share a pic of you holding 1, 2, or all 3 of the series for the PS2.


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