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Dothack Network

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Skeith Model While On Tour

More .hack sketches but this time, a model of Skeith shown on Hiroshi Matsuyama's Twitter feed. #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothacklink #dothackgu #dothackinfection #HiroshiMatsuyama #CyberConnect2 #Skeith #sketch #art #drawing #fandom #fans #games #videogames


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CC2 20th Anniversary Tour

Hiroshi Matsuyama still on tour for CC2's 20th anniversary around Japan with even more sketches at the fan meetup's. #dothack #dothacknetwork #CyberConnect2 #dothackgu #dothackgames #dothackers #videogame #games #Japan #sketch


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Favorite Root Town

Which was your favorite root town from .hack//games; Carmina Gadelica, Dun Lorieag, or Mac Anu? #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothackinfection #CyberConnect2 #PS2 #games #rpg #videogame


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Peatrix Fan Meetups

In regards to the recent string of .hack sketches this week; president and CEO of CyberConnect2 Hiroshi Matsuyama has been traveling all over around Japan hosting Fan Meetup's throughout various cities from May 2016 to December 2016 as part of CyberConnect2's 20th anniversary. Those living in the area can sign up to attend one of the meetup's on Peatix's website, basically Ticketmaster in America. You can view where and when these event's take place on CC2's 20th anniversary page. Attendee's als


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Gardenia Fanclub

Were you a member of the Gardenia Fanclub in .hack//Infection? New photos from Project N.U.'s twitter page. #dothack #dothackgames #dothacker #CyberConnect2 #mobile #games #playercharacter #LongArm


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Daily Sketches

You know the drill dothackers; Hiroshi Matsuyama's Twitter continues to share .hack sketches on a daily basis. #dothack #dothackgu #dothackliminality #dothackquantum #dothacksign #dothackzero #CyberConnect2


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More Sketches

Even more .hack sketches on Hiroshi Matsuyama's Twitter page. #dothack #dothackgu #dothacklink #sketch #Twitter #Japan #artist #fandom


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Fans, Sketches, and Autographs

Some .hack sketches seen on Hiroshi Matsuyama's Twitter page. #dothack #dothackgames #Twitter #sketching #artwork https://mobile.twitter.com/PIROSHI_CC2/status/778741701523365888 https://mobile.twitter.com/PIROSHI_CC2/status/778741017277104128


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Team Fragment YouTube Page

The developers from Coldbird's .hack//fragment project have announced an official YouTube channel; be sure to show your support by pressing the like and subscribe buttons. https://www.youtube.com/c/TeamFragment #dothack #dothackgames #YouTube #fragment


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.hack//GGU Girl Gamers United

We love to see fan games, deviant Midnitez-REMIX had started a .hack// fan game called .hack//GGU "Girl Gamers United" and it's quite amazing what they did with RPG Maker XP, hope to see more updates! http://midnitez-remix.deviantart.com/gallery/60114617/Hack-GGU Check out their deviantArt page and comment to show your support for a new .hack// fan game! #dothack #dothackgame #deviantart #fandom #game #rpgmaker


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PAX Prime

PAX Prime now PAX West will be hosted next week; every year we look for any dothackers cosplaying and also swing by the Bandai Namco booth for hopes of a new title or dothack localization. Either way, it's always exciting to see the latest games on display and the awesome efforts and works created by you guys who cosplay. Hopefully this year we'll have some pics to share


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Project N.U. Renamed .hack//NewWorld

When the latest .hack// mobile game franchise came out, it was referred to as Project N.U. and it's first volume would be known as New World Volume 1 "Maiden of Silver Tears". Speculation is that the planned volumes has been dropped as the game has been renamed just .hack//NewWorld in it's latest 2.0 update earlier this month. What are your thoughts? #dothack #dothackgame #NewWorld #videogame #mobilegame #CyberConnect2 #Android #iOS


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Kira Chi Cosplay

Kira Chi Cosplay does an amazing Shino cosplay https://www.facebook.com/Darkladycosplay/posts/1812530725632002 #dothack #dothackcosplay #shino #anime #cosplay


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Yourself As a Character

If you could be made into a character from the .hack series, what character class would you have chosen, and what character name would you have given yourself? #dothack #game #theworld #charactercreation #anime


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