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Red Bard Bigger Update

Red Bard graces us with another recap of all the things .hack//G.U. Last Recode even during their busy schedule irl. Spoiler alert, there's a twist in the ending. #dothack #dothackers #dothackgu #lastrecode #youtube #recap


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Key of the Twilight Sword

RIYAWO_ZERO on Twitter had used a page from one of the .hack// information books and reviewed the runes on Haseo's new sword and has determined it spells Key of The Twilight. What do you guys think? #dothack #dothackgu #keyofthetwilight #sword


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Thank you Everyone!

Congratulations folks, you did it! Thanks to all your hard work, collaborating, fan arts, fan fiction, fan sites, fan role-plays, fan projects, cosplays, fragment revival, Guilty Dragon English support, .hack//New World English support, .hack//Link translation project, .hack//Bullet translation project, speed runs, lets plays, merchandise showcase, everything you done, every time you showed your love, and every localization request time and time again. Your accomplishments goes farther than you


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Potentially More Consoles

Now with the US release confirmed; we noticed on the US page they list platforms as Playstation4, PC, and "Console". The PS4 is a console so why need to mention it twice and separated? Could this mean we might get an XboxOne, XboxOneX, Nintendo Switch release? #dothack #dothackgames #dothackers #dothackgu #PS4 #PC #Console #games #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2 #CC2


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New Facebook Page for Last Recode

The hype and information on .hack//GU Last Recode has been real. Days like today shows how much cluttered our page gets with information on .hack//GU Last Recode, CC2, Hiroshi Matsuyama, trademarks, fan sites, YouTubers, news sites, our updates, our giveaways, VR adaptations of The World, .hack in Minecraft, and the .hack//fragment revival. Thus to help those who wish came here to solely focus on .hack//GU Last Recode, we've decided to add another page under our umbrella of all things .hack; but


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.hack//Fanbook Featured Hashtag

From what we can decipher (rely heavily on Google translate) there will be a .hack//Fanbook published every month from Sept-Dec to commerate the 15th anniversary. Fans can hashtag #ドットハック記念本 to @PR_CC2 during various intervals to be entered into each of the 4 volumes i.e. Jun 20th - July 9th, July 10th - July 30th, Aug 1st - Aug 20th, and Sept 1st - Sept 24th. The team from CC2 will also post their own contribution to these books. Each book costing 2,000 yen on Amazon.co.jp and Kotobukiya Tachik


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Latest Dothack News

What do we know now? Quite a lot happened in the last hour actually. First and foremost we now have a US trademark application which heavily implies a US release. Valve's Steam has been confirmed as the platform for PC. Haseo's new outfit has been shown off. Surprisingly an online novel for Kite and for the first time, we get a glimpse of Kite's irl body, actual face hidden though. CC2 also created a new Twitter account called /dothackofficial (sorry we own /dothack but hey if they want it). The


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Youtube Last Recode Playlist

Hello YouTubers, we've put together a list of all reaction videos regarding the announcement and updates on .hack//G.U. Last Recode. If you happen to know any other video's we missed, be sure to put them in the comments below. #dothack #dothackers #dothackgu #YouTube #YouTubers #videos #playlist #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2


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Spanish and Multi-language Support

Upon closer inspection of the European trademark we can see that .hack//G.U. Last Recode is expected to apply for an English trademark, but below that line they have also applied for a Spanish trademark. Could this mean that the .hack//G.U. remaster could see various international releases in multi-languages aside it's homesake Japanese? #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothackgu #languages #games #trademark #English #Spanish #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2  


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Red Bard European Release

Red Bard hosts a new YouTube video announcing the latest in the news on .hack//G.U. Last Recode and the sighting of a trademark in Europe for the title of the game by BandaiNamco Games. #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #trademark #European #games #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2 #YouTube


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DualShockers Graphics Comparison

DualShockers showed off a comparison photo between the PS2 and the HD Remaster of Mac Anu. Hy Brasail the Island of Kings never looked more beautifully in HD far off in the distance. https://www.dualshockers.com/hack-gu-ps4-pc-remasterlast-recode-first-screenshots-tons-info #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #comparison #games #remaster #PS2 #PS4 #PC #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2


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Iterations of The World

Another page from the article shows a chart for various incarnations of The World. Here we see a list of products color coded based on the medium they were release in and which iterations of The World they were part of. Unfortunately The World: Armed Conflict which the mobile games Guilty Dragon and New World were not part of the main lineage of The World and existed as a separate entity that coincided with the later versions The World. How many of these novels, mangas, animes, games do you pers


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Upcoming Famitsu Issue

Hiroshi Matsuyama has posted a picture of the front/back cover of the Famitsu magazine that will be coming out regarding .hack//G.U. Last Recode. And in it we see the earlier image a bit cleared up. #dothack #dothackgames #dothackers #dothackgu #Famitsu #magazine #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2


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SMZeldarules and Chessnut Cosplay at Colossalcon

smzeldarules at Colossalcon as Blackrose with Chessnut Cosplay as Kite. Even cosplaying they heard the big news of .hack//GU remake, keep doing what you guys do best! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=smzeldarules&set=a.1421924944517606 #dothack #dothackers #dothackcosplay #dothackgames #Blackrose #Kite #CyberConnect2 #BandaiNamco


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Team PS4 or Team PC?

With the announcement of a .hack//G.U. HD Remake for the Sony Playstation 4 and for PC. Ask yourself which team will you stand with, Team PS4 or Team PC? Cast your comments below and be sure to join in the discussions on our Facebook group page discussion and join our Discord chat https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF #dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #PS4 #PC #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2


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.hack//G.U. HD Remaster Coming

It's here folks, a .hack//GU HD Remaster is in the works. https://www.facebook.com/cc2matsuyama/posts/1372888866120752 #dothack #dothackgames #dothackers #dothackgu #games #videogame #remaster #HD #BandaiNamco #CyberConnect2  


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Hiroshi Participates with VR Headset

President Hiroshi Matsuyama plays with a VR headset on Twitter today. Which was not the first time he's has used a headset. Back in September 2012 he tested out Sony's PROTOTYPE-SR also known as HMZ-T2 at the Toyko Game Show 2012. Here's his experience he stated reported by 4Gamer. https://www.4gamer.net/games/183/G018303/20120920045/


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.hack//Translate Needs Your Support

Our friends at .hack//Translate could use your assistance if you personally or know someone who is fluent with Japanese to English. If you are able to lend a hand, this team has been a great help with the .hack//LINK and .hack//Bullet translations in the past and still a bit more to finish. https://dothacktranslate.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/some-bad-news/ #dothack #dothacktranslate #dothackgames #dothacklink #translation


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Chibi Heads

Hiroshi Matsuyama shares a Twitter of a lovely chibi heads of the Schicksal members from .hack//LINK; what do you all think? https://www.facebook.com/cc2matsuyama/posts/1333176686758637 #dothack #dothackgames #dothacklink #videogames #sonypsp #games #CyberConnect2


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Crimson VS Project

Our friends at CyberConnects2 have initiated in a CrimsonVS project and are looking for graphic artists to help move their project forward. If you yourself or if you know someone experienced with graphic art, illustrations, or drawing; please consider their request and help move this project forward. Thanks! https://www.facebook.com/CyberConnects2/photos/o.211541262314090/1315777178519069/ #dothack #dothackgame #crimsonvs #game #tradingcards


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