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Dothack Network

Dothack Network

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BandaiNamco EU Survey

BandaiNamco EU has posted a survey, during which .hack does become an option for "other games interested in". Be sure to say yes you played DBZ Kakarot to start. https://bandai.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bpuUvsqK0Kx2n9r


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Make Your Own Dothack Game

Last November we at DHN wanted to host a community programming day where you the community would put your skills to the test and create the best fan dothack game. But to many people's disinterest in performing such a difficult task and many people questioning their graphic and programming skills, we sought a way to balance the field so that everyone could participate. Rather than the community sit and write code or sit and draw, we discovered an easier method. What if we provided the programs yo


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Dothack Network Social Media's

We are registered on dozens of online communities and social media services, be sure to add/friend/follow us on your preferred service! https://linktr.ee/dothacknetwork #dothack #dothackers #dothacknetwork


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