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Operation Dothack Day

Dothack Day August 9th is coming soon and we need your help make it trend and make "Operation Dothack Day" a reality. Tag @bnei876 @bandainamcous on August 9th in your timezone or schedule a post now so a post by you is automatically set. Use hash tags #dothack #ドットハック How will this help? Those in the know will already be posting content on Dothack Day anyways, an annual celebration of all things dothack from fans. A term coined by CC2 staff for the Japanese sound 8 and 9 make "ha" and "ku"


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Happy Birthday Haseo & Sora!

Happy Birthday Haseo (ハセヲ) & Sora (楚良)! Real name Ryou Misaki (三崎亮) born on July 13th 2001. Source page 297 from .hack//Archives_02 -Black- #dothack #ドットハック 


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Happy Birthday Sanjuro!

Happy Birthday Sanjuro (三十郎)! Born on July 4th 1984, is a 26 year old living in South Dakota USA that teaches Japanese for the neighborhood kids having majored in Japanese in college and studying abroad in Japan. Source page 272 from .hack//Archives 03. #dothack #ドットハック


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Happy birthday Alkaid!

Happy birthday Alkaid (揺光), real name Chika Kuramoto (倉本 智香), was born on July 2nd 2001. Source .hack//Archives 06 (page 175) & .hack//G.U. Character Fan Book (page 56). #dothack #ドットハック


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Two .hack Current Sales

Reminder there are two .hack sales going on right now for 5 FREE digital only books including Archives 3 .hack//Infection edition and a Steam Sale for .hack//G.U. Last Recode for 90% at $4.99 #dothack #ドットハック https://store.steampowered.com/app/525480/hackGU_Last_Recode/ https://bookwalker.jp/author/157163/?order=rank&np=1


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BookWalker Sale

Free digital only books to add to your BookWalker account from now June 20th up till July 4th 2024. Including .hack//Archives 3, Game Art Works Vol 1, .hack//Archives 2 Black, .hack//Summer 2013, Guilty Dragon Visual Works Vol 1. #dothack #ドットハック https://bookwalker.jp/author/157163/?order=rank&np=1


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.hack Celebrates 22nd Anniversary!

After completing two PS1 games, a CEO retires, a company rebranding, a graphic artist becoming the next CEO, three years of writing and game dev between 1999-2001 from the talents of Kazunori Itō & Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, .hack celebrates it's 22nd anniversary! #dothack #ドットハック


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Shield Armor in .hack//Infection

Shield Armor were originally considered as an equipment slot in .hack//Infection tetralogy just like Head, Body, Hand, Leg Armor that made it to final. Read more about it here! https://www.dothack.org/topic/1570-shields-in-hackimoq #dothack #ドットハック  


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Free BookWalker Digital Books

From now till June 11th, you can get these four digital books added for free on your Book☆Walker account. Game Art Works Vol 1, .hack//SUMMER 2013, .hack//Archives Vol 2 Black, and Guilty Dragon Visual Works 1. https://bookwalker.jp/author/157163/?order=rank&np=1 #dothack #ドットハック


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Happy birthday Sakubo!

Happy birthday Sakubo (朔望), real name Iori Nakanishi (中西伊織), was born on May 26th 2006. Source page 175 from .hack//Archives 06. #dothack #ドットハック


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Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day! To the best mother of the .hack series, Mistral! the mother of Mireille. And to all you mothers out there reading this!! #dothack #ドットハック


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Terajima Ryoko's Designs

Terajima Ryoko, an optional character from .hack//Outbreak, had some notable character design changes while in development and in the final. Come take a look a closer look at those changes from actual game files. https://www.dothack.org/topic/1549-terajima-ryoko/ #dothack #ドットハック


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Happy Birthday Moonstone!

Happy Birthday Moonstone (月長石), proposed real name Kenzo Saeki (佐伯謙三), was born on May 4th 1982. Source page 271 from .hack//Archives_03 #dothack #ドットハック  


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