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Dothack Network

Dothack Network

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Follow Us Everywhere!

DHN is multi-platform. Come follow us at your preferred platform! https://linktr.ee/dothacknetwork #dothacknetwork #ドットハック #dothack #dothackers #dothackrevival


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.hack//G.U. Last Recode PSN Store for $9.99

.hack//G.U. Last Recode can be purchased digitally on the Playstation Store at an all low price of $9.99 USD 80% Off till December 22nd 2020. Get it now, get it for yourself for the future, gift it to a friend for the holidays! https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0700-CUSA07559_00-HACKGURECODE0000


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Happy Birthday Ovan!

Happy Birthday to Ovan! Masato Indou was born on December 12th "1992". #ドットハック #dothack #dothackgu #dothacklastrecode #lastrecode #gulastrecode #ovan #birthday #masatoindou #ps2 #cc2 #cyberconnect2 #bandainamco


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Mon Ami!

We don't even have a language! Just a stupid accent! Yeah she's right. We all sound like Maurice Chevalier. Honh, honh, honh! #ドットハック #dothack #dothackinfection #grunty #noblegrunty #monami


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Retroarch on Xbox One|Series

Thanks to libretro Retroarch progress on PCSX2 core, you can now play .hack//IMOQ Fragment and GU on Xbox One, One S, One X, Series S, Series X today through Microsoft developer mode for $20 USD. #dothack #dothackfragment #dothackgu #retroarch #xbox #pcsx2


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Steam Sale 84% Off

.hack//G.U. Last Recode Steam PC -84% Off SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends in 35 hours $7.99 USD https://store.steampowered.com/app/525480/hackGU_Last_Recode/


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Piros Birthday!

Happy Birthday Piros the Third! (November 23) Source: .hack//Fanbook #ドットハッ #dothack #dothackgu #dothackgulastrecode #lastrecode #steam #PC #CC2 #BandaiNamco #pirosthethird


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Happy Birthday Kuhn!

Happy Birthday Kuhn! November 8 Source: .hack//Fanbook #ドットハッ #dothack #dothackgu #dothackgulastrecode #lastrecode #steam #PC #CC2 #BandaiNamco #kuhn


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Discord and Twitter Milestones

Dothack Discord chatroom surpasses 2000 users DHN Twitter surpasses 900 followers Thank you everyone! 💕💕💕 If you haven't already, join and follow us at https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF https://twitter.com/dothacknetwork #dothack #dothackdiscord #dothacknetwork #twitter #discord #milestone


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Let BandaiNamco Know You Want More Dothack!

Remember, BandaiNamco's contacts are as follows. Email, write, hashtag, post, etc.. Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc. 2051 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 community@bandainamcoent.com community@bandainamcoent.eu info-bnhd@bandainamco.co.jp email@bandainamcoent.co.jp #BandaiAmerica #BandaiNamcoUS #BandaiNamcoUK #BandaiNamcoEU #BandaiNamco_jp https://twitter.com/BandaiNamcoUS https://www.facebook.com/BandaiNamcoUS https://www.instagram.c


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.hack//G.U. Last Recode 3rd Anniversary

.hack//G.U. last Recode turns 3 the next 3 days. Steam is hosting the lowest sale ever at $7.99, CC2 I selling new ChimChims on their international store for $34.68, and if you have a story or picture celebrating GU:LR use #GULRアンソロジー to be featured. The feature may appear in January’s anthology book. Buy GU:LR for yourself, friend, family, someone’s Steam wishlist. .hack//BULLET site was taken down for its upcoming eBook plus new chapter. The ChimChims come in 5 colors. More merch on inter


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.hack//News October

.hack//NEWS October 2020 #ドットハック #dothack #cc2 #store #merch #dothackvs #dothackversus #dothackfragment #fragment #minecraft #minecraftmod


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Happy Birthday Silabus!

Happy Birthday Silabus! October 28 Source: .hack//Fanbook #ドットハッ #dothack #dothackgu #dothackgulastrecode #lastrecode #steam #PC #CC2 #BandaiNamco #silabus


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